ChristianPowerPraise.Net - Most Requested Songs This Week
- Jesus Is King - Chaotic Resemblance
- God of Miracles - Aaron Michaels
- The Storm - End of I
- Your Great Name - Natalie Grant
- Everything To Me - Avalon
- Greater Still - Brandon Lake
- We All Need Jesus (feat. Koryn Hawthorne) - Danny Gokey
- Spirit Rise - Anavox
- The Love Song - Phil Joel
- Famous One - Building 429
- Wonder of the World - Rush of Fools
- While I'm Waiting - John Waller
- Asleep In The Light - Keith Green
- Into The Sea (It's Gonna Be Ok) - Tasha Layton
- Every Hour - David Leonard
- The Cross (feat. Chris Tomlin) - Anne Wilson
- That's Enough - Brandon Heath
- Living Water - Anne Wilson
- Our Cry - End of I
- Fear of God - Brooke Ligertwood
- You Said I Am (Behold & Believe) (feat. Shane & Shane) - The Gospel Coalition
- Do You Feel The Mountains Tremble - All Together Separate
- Jesus Christ - Among Thorns
- Enough - Jeremy Camp
- Lean On - 7eventh Time Down
- From The Day - I Am They
- I Will Call Upon The Lord - Petra
- Love One Another - Newsboys
- God So Loved - We The Kingdom
- O Praise Him (All This For A King) - David Crowder Band